Cristian Thompson

Getting Back To It..

Feb 11, 2018

It's been quite some time and a lot of things have progressed in my time away. My knowledge has grown massively and keeps getting larger. Man it's been a wild journey and I have some concepts lined up for more posts about what's been happening and the new insights I've gained moving into employment with a fantastic team.

Keep your eyes to the stars and I hope I'll catch you around my next post.

Image Credit to Giphy

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A few more realizations

Feb 14, 2017

It's been a little slow going as I build out all the features I wanted this site to have, some of which the average user will never realize I've built(hopefully at least).

This weekend I managed to finish up all the features I had intended to add to the site, in the process learning a lot about planning and some new concepts.

Let's start with the planning then I think. I learned that what you initially envision rarely encompasses all the you will actually need. My initial list of features and necessities for the blog section of the site was drastically underestimated.

This is a list of just a few features I had to add after that fact that brought some functionality I needed and didn't realize I'd require at the onset(several of these broke the website usually due to not migrating the existing database to meet the new requirements):

  • User Comments

  • User Image

  • Date Updated

  • Pagination

Speaking of Pagination, it was a little bit of a struggle in concept for me. Most of the resources seriously over complicated the process or were incompatible with my existing database and queries. Because of this I spent far more energy than needed trying solutions I found in documentation and on Stack Overflow, many solutions applying to a different type of database with a similar name. None of which, might I add, I got working.

After a day and a half searching and trials I asked a senior developer I have the amazing company of, from across the pond, a few questions about if my own idea for a solution was acceptable. He echoed the concept almost to a tee, giving me an overview as I worked through it on my own.

Even though you won't see the fruits of this labor until after I've written more blog entries, I thought it fairly intrinsic to the blog itself to have the functionality even if it won't be immediately used.

Thanks for reading this post I'll discuss more coding concepts in the future and use this as a base of operations for my ideas and musings.

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The beginning of a journey

Feb 14, 2017

It's been a heck of a journey trying to prepare for a career transition to Programming, I've spent the last year and a half studying and attempting to prepare myself for all of the struggles and challenges that arise with a new career path.

All of it has been an incredible experience and I've made some excellent friends and comrades in arms. I can't even begin to explain how my knowledge has grown. I have the wonderful experience to work with the company that took me from barely understanding things like:


To being able to create and manage my own Database and web application.

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